Chocolate decorators

Machine Details

  • Stainless steel construction driven by a motor and a special gearbox.
  • The device oscillates in two different axes independently; transversally a-longitudinally.
  • By changing the speed and the frequency in the two axes, different shapes of zigzag, one loop or double loops patterns are obtained.
  • A special cleaning system with 2 filter screens, used in a cycle, cleaning continuously the decoration chocolate and the filter screens as well to avoid any system blockage.
  • Thanks to this special cleaning system, very thin decoration strings are affectedand no need to dismount the pipe for cleaning from time to time.
  • Decorator is equipped with its own heaters to keep the chocolate heated and with its own control panel.
  • The decorator is designed to be a mobile device which enables it to be placed either at the outlet of the enrober or on the decorating table at the entry of the cooling tunnel.
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